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What is Jedidiah

About Jedidiah

And the Lord loved the child; and He sent word ...and he named him Jedidiah (beloved of the Lord) for the sake of God. 2 Samuel 12:24-2

Jedidiah was set up to provide food support to struggling families. Everyone needs help sometimes.

At the start of 2020 God placed in my heart to feed. I had no idea just how much need was about to happen. Initially running a food class/soup kitchen in YMCA Welwyn hostel, Covid-19 lockdown 1 meant that things had to be put on hold.

A few weeks after lockdown began, I felt strongly there was hunger behind some of the front doors around us.


The local schools provided the numbers of families they knew of who needed some help. Working with my neighbours, we provided food parcels to these 100 families, initially as a one-off.


Then we did it again, and again, with increasing numbers each week. It has become a regular thing, delivering thousands of meals and hopefully, making families feel less desperate.

A wonderful team of 98 volunteers make this happen.

In 2022, we opened our second branch in Buckingham.

In 2023, we opened our third branch in Northampton.

God keeps providing. 


Meet the team

Jedidiah's mission is simple:

  • That no one should go hungry.

  • Reminding people of the value God places on them. 

  • Doing what we can with what we have.

  • Honouring everyone regardless of their background.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer 29:11
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